Working with families is challenging and rewarding. Sometimes parents are reluctant to engage in therapy and often blame their children or teens for family problems.
Building support and trust while developing a therapeutic relationship is critical in the early stages. One way of getting parents onboard in therapy is to lighten the tense or stress-filled atmosphere by playing therapy games. Not only do parents feel they are not being targeted for problems or issues, but they learn how to have fun with their kids, even though there may still be issues to deal with. Teaching parents how to separate problems from their kids is important. If parents and kids don’t learn how to be together without their problems, they will not know how to connect or bond over positive or fun experiences either.
One approach I use with families is help them learn how to have fun together. Once family members can learn how to have fun with each other, then they are better able to listen to each other needs and to communicate them.
Laughter Therapy Cubes Game was developed for kids, teens and adults as well as for families. Step 1: Share a laugh and learn how to have fun together. Step 2: Identify a problem that needs to be resolved. Step 3: Learn how to cope with that problem and to communicate in healthy ways.